Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Wrath Is Messing Me Up


      Goodmorning, Friends and Family!! This week started out rough, but God is in control! The easy part is trusting Him but the hard part is being patient for His timing.  The constant situation has made me very angry (wrath) and messing me up. It's making me veer off course alittle from my eating habits the last 2 days. Thankfully, it's not a lot, but I'm getting back On track today. I've worked too hard to let anger (Satan) continue to do this. 

       I'm not going to say what's causing my anger because it's private. I just pray it stops NOW!  If the guilty ones read this, JUST KNOW THIS.....your actions are highly affecting the ones you love and I'm sick and tired of it!! I'm praying for you and trying my best to let go of my anger, but I'm having a hard time. Please pray for me. Satan sure loves preying on me but I'm in God's Army, not his.  

       If you'd like to leave a comment here,  please do so. I need encouragement as well as prayers. I hope ya'll have a blessed week.



Friday, October 6, 2023

Making Progress!!

   I finally got started on my Fallcleaning house project. My husband and I tackled our bathroom first because the floor desperately needed repaired and new tile. I'm so in love with our new tile!!

  So after our very talented son, Joshua, fixed the floor and laid the new tile, I got busy dejunking, deepcleaning,, and organizing the bathroom.  I haven't found the window curtains I want, but I'm still looking.  I'm very pleased with our bathroom now!! That's why I haven't posted recently.  Been too busy!! Family helped but God led us!! 

      This week, I've been visiting family.  I needed a rest from housework but gonna head home today and get started on living room and dejunking the house. I'm on a roll!! Ha! 
       My Intermittent Fasting is still going great! I've lost 17.5 pounds so far so halfway to my goal!! But that's not the best part..... I'm wearing Small size clothes now!!! I'm elated!!!! Again, God is still leading me!!  
        Hope y'all have a blessed day and weekend!  
Love y'all!!!

Too Cold To Do Anything, BUT that's Ok!!

          Hello!!!!      I am so with GRATITUDE for living in the South!! I couldn't take these brutal cold temps like the Northerners d...