Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Consider The Ant

 Consider The Ant (Homeschooling and Intermittent Fasting)

Bible Verse: "To to the ant, thou sluggwrd; consider her ways, and be wise." Proverbs 6:6 (KJV)

           I believe this verse tells me to study and be wise in all of my endeavors, such as helping teach my granddaughter (homeschooling), Bible Study, Intermittent Fasting, crafting, and home organization. I believe I already do this but I will try to study more. If we are unprepared we will not do a very good job at our task. We will feel  very unorganized and I hate that feeling when I experience it. It's also not fair to others who are involved and is a time waster. 

        An update on my Intermittent Fasting....I have lost 24 pounds since February 3rd(2020) and many inches!!! I know this sounds like bragging. Ok Ok maybe I am!! 😂I feel great!!  Well, except for today. My sinuses and ears are giving me fits. If you ask me how I've done it, I say THROUGH THE GRACE OF GOD!!  I mean every word of that too. God led me to IF but has and continues to lead me every day.  Once you get used to it, it's not hard, but I still trust God daily. Without Him, I could not have lost 24 pounds!! I've lost 14 of those 24 pounds since July. I really enjoy my daily walks. Of course, today is out, but  praying that I'll be ok tomorrow, so I can walk. 

          A note about my blog writing absence....I have been busy plus I haven't felt led to write lately. I will try to do better. I will close now. If you have any questions or comments, please do so!!! Have a blessed day!!!


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