Friday, January 7, 2022

Reflecting on 2021

      Reflecting on 2021, makes me aware of good times and bad times. Actually, I'm thankful for both. I believe that the bad times have helped me grow in my faith. I'm so thankful for the good times too though!! My mama fell twice this year, but I was able to spend a lot of time with her and helping her and my family. I still am and enjoying doing so. It's kept me away from my immediate family but I am so grateful that they understand.  It's also given me time to reflect on the past and think about the present and future.  I believe my personal problems are a result of selfishness and pride. I really feel that God has revealed that to me through my Bible studies this past year. I don't like myself when I'm being selfish. Oh, how Satan works overtime with God's children. I don't want that!!! I want to be selfless, not selfish. I've been working on Philippians 2:3-4 this week...... "Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory; but in loneliness of mine let each esteem other better than themselves.  Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others." (KJV).   I've also been praying more but I need to pray even more so!!!!  I want a closer relationship with Jesus.  

       Selfishness is looking out only for oneself and not others. That doesn't sound like a Christian attribute to me. I found a good website about Selfishness. I'll post the link at the end of this post in case you'd like to read it. Even though I've been trying hard to not be selfish, it still happens, but I'm working on it everyday.  I'm trusting God to help me!  Many times I recognize selfishness in other people's actions but when I think about it, I do the same thing.  I've asked for forgiveness and striving hard to do better!  

Have a blessed day!!!

Website link on Selfishness:

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year!!!!

      It's a new year, folks!!! 2022!!!  The last year has come and gone with blessings. Thank you, Jesus!!! This time of year is good for self-reflection and self-improvement. Some people will make new year resolutions. I try not to call them that. Self-improvement works for me! I want to improve for my Saviour though. 

      Lately I've been doing a lot of thinking. Selfishness is a character trait I have, that I'm very ashamed of.  God has revealed this to me.  Since I'll be working on improving myself,  my selfish attitude definitely needs to go!!!  This month I plan to study about what God tells us about Selfishness. I will post and memorize some Scripture too!! Prayer is also a must!!! I love my Jesus and I want Him as my focus!! I also want to be obedient! I hope y'all will follow along this month.  If you have any questions and/or comments, please add. I'd love to hear what you think. 

        I hope all of you have a wonderful and blessed year!!!! 


Vickie Berryhill

Too Cold To Do Anything, BUT that's Ok!!

          Hello!!!!      I am so with GRATITUDE for living in the South!! I couldn't take these brutal cold temps like the Northerners d...