Thursday, December 29, 2022

YJO Just Doesn't Cut It!!


"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." Psalms 51:10I KJV

    Hi!!  This year is almost over.  I'm sure we have had ups and downs this year, but I hope the good outnumbered the bad.  Although, we , as believers in God, should be joyful in our bad times (trials).  YES, that is a very hard thing to do!! But, I'm trying harder each day. I have failed numerous times. I'm so thankful that God forgives me!!!  This time of year, people make New Year's resulutions. Some view that as good and some view it as bad. I guess it depends on how you look at it. If you don't have faith in God to help you reach those goals (resolutions) ,then I don't think it will happen. If it does, it probably won't be permanent. I speak from experience.šŸ˜©   Then some make goals but don't call them resolutions. I think I'll go with that from now on. Ha! 

     I have several goals , NOT RESOLUTIONS, to achieve, such as spending more time studying my Bible and praying more,  blog more,  lose weight again (yes,again šŸ˜µ), and whatever else God calls me to do.     

     During the Christmas holidays, I've had increased faith in prayer, regarding my husband. But my faith still needs to be stronger.  I've had a very bad attitude during Christmas. I've had Me-itis. Bad case of anger, bitterness , and envy. But I've been praying for God to remove the negative and unGodly attitudes. As I would sing , "Joy To The World" , I'd think , What Joy?  Don't misunderstand....I was , still am ,thankful for Jesus's birth and my blessings and our Christmas miracle. But Satan was having a party with my attitude.  But Jesus was and is still in control!!! He has been giving me spiritual surgery,  bad attitude-ectomy.  Go ahead and laugh. It does kinda sound funny. I think he's been doing it in slow motion too, but who am I to argue about timing. I believe He has a reason for that too. 

     Awhile back , I started asking God to give me a word to study and dwell on for 2023. Through everything I've gone through lately, God has placed it on my heart.  Anybody want to guess what it is???!!!!!  JOY.    Did you guess right?  My mama's SS class has always been called JOY SS class because they made that their motto many years ago. The meaning is:  J-Jesus first. O-Others second. Y-Yourself last  If we live our Christian life like this, JOY will remain in our hearts. As you can see why I had lost my Joy during December because I was living  YJO. That just doesn't cut it!!! God has also led me to start studying the Book of James. I'll be using the SS lessons and an ebook I downloaded. I'll post the link at the end of post in case you would like to join me. I will post something each day. I would love for y'all to join me. I've started re-reading James and information about study book, but I won't actually start the study til Jan 1st. If you decide to join me, please let me know, and I'll be praying for you too. 

     I believe if I study God's Word more and live (Work) my faith out, that my other goals will fall in place. Well, my grandson is hungry so I need to close and fix lunch. 


Love Y'all!!!

Vickie Berryhill

This is the book I'll be using.  I wasn't able to put link on here though. I bought my Amazon Kindle edition for $3.99. As soon as I figure out how to get the direct link here, I will.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Our Christmas Miracle!!!


Our Christmas Miracle came early this year!! 

     For those who haven't read my recent husband was scheduled to have  surgery this month. He has some blockages in his left leg. He was originally on a medicinal treatment for his condition. Although, it requires walking. He did that and it was working but last month he acquired an infected (Staph) wound on bottom and side of his left foot. Then he had to stay off of his foot which kept him from walking daily. The wound care doctor decided after 2-3 weeks of treatment, that it wasn't getting any better.  He and our vascular surgeon, Dr. Zach Baldwin, discussed it and  decided surgery was necessary, to keep infection from getting in his bone and causing him to lose his foot.  

        Let me add here that A LOT of prayers were being lifted up for Bubba (aka George)! Also, no matter how serious it was, we kept our faith in God and that no matter the outcome, God would ALWAYS be in control and provide for us. See???? Faith and Prayer are VERY IMPORTANT in our walk with God. 

      So, we traveled back to Jackson to St.Dominics, and after doctor visit and exam, surgery was scheduled for Dec 13. Yes, I was very upset , but not worried. 

      Bubba was all prepared and waiting to see surgeon. They were even getting him ready to take him to OR as Dr. Baldwin re-examined his wound. He said, "It's almost well!! I don't think surgery is necessary now!". Our pastor, Bro. Harvey Bates, was with us. The three of us looked at each other , like  AM I HEARING HIM RIGHT!  He then said he was going to go talk to our wound care doctor, Dr. James Stephens (Wound Care Center (KDMC) in Brookhaven, Ms. After about 10 minutes or so, he  came back in and told us, "No surgery! You can go home and Merry Christmas!!!"  Now, that is our wonderful early Christmas miracle!!!  Again and again, Thank You, God!!! 

     After seeing wound care doctor lastweek, there was still one little spot that needed more medicine, so we are still tending to that. He's been allowed to walk more but not overdo it. He has to go back next week so praying All will be gone and Bubba will be discharged from visits. He will then start back walking more daily. 

     I'm so thankful for our Christmas miracle!!! Thankyou, God!!!!! 



Thursday, December 8, 2022

Tis The Season To Be Joyful!!!!

 Good morning!!!   I'm joyful because God gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, to be born,  and then died for my sins so that I have eternal life with my Heavenly Father (God). Yes, JESUS is the reason for Christmas!!! I have to admit though, that lately I haven't been joyful. Know why?????

     Satan has been sitting on my shoulders, trying to steal my joy through my recent situations. I've been angry. Oh, so angry. Resentful. Unforgiving. But, even with these negative and unChristlike feelings and emotions, I've been asking and trusting God to remove them.  HE HAS REMOVED THEM!!! I feel peaceful again!!! Yes, the problems are still present, but my bad attitude is history. Of course, Satan is sure to show his dirty self and plant negativity back in my heart and mind. But , I read my Bible and pray daily, which will help me stay on course. 

     Unforgiveness is not only an emotion but also a sin. If we , as Christians, don't forgive,  Christ won't forgive us. 

Matthew 6:15

ā€œBut if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.ā€

King James Version (KJV)

It appears that the 4 issues I'm blogging about (Spiritual, Physical, Mental, and Emotional) all tie in together. When I'm not forgiving someone it affects the others. For example, my back and neck (Physical) have been hurting but  I haven't injured it. Plus,I haven't been joyful (Mental, Emotional,  and definitely Spiritual) been very grouchy too. Attitudes are contagious and mine wasn't worth catching.  But now it is!!!! 

Mentally, my memory and focus have been awful. 

Are you feeling joyful this Christmas? If not, I hope that changes like I have. Turn to God for help!! 

This week (this post) Iā€™ve tried to focus on the Spiritual side of life and Christmas. For the rest of this month, I will post about other aspects of  Christmas, but tie it back to Jesus. 

I hope ya'll have a wonderful day! I plan to start posting more than once a week so stay tuned. Please comment! I'd love to read your thoughts. Merry Christmas!! 


Thursday, December 1, 2022

Reading For Mentality

Hi!!  I hope you're having a great day! Mine has been BLAH!!!!  My husband and I had to go to Jackson, Ms, this morning. He had a doctor's appointment. We got caught in a traffic jam , but thankfully it was close to doctor office and we left early so, we still made it before appt. time. There was a car accident earlier this morning. I hope no one was hurt or killed. Well, at dr appt, we found out that Bubba (my dear hubby for those who don't know him) has to have a leg bypass surgery this month.  He has major blockages in his leg and infected foot.  Well, God got us up and there and back safely. Very grateful for that!!! I also have faith that God is in control. But to be honest, I'm very bummed with it happening so close to Christmas. I want him to get well SOON. I'm just having a pity party.  I'll get over it soon. With the mood (emotion and mental) I'm in, I'm gonna read , which I love because it helps me relax. I also love to make paper flowers. What do you like to do to relax?  

      I was planning to post a surprise last week. A book review!! But, I've been extremely busy helping Bubba and Thanksgiving.  So, here it is!!!!


This Christmas novella is a wonderful story about a young woman named Janice,  who's sweet little Jack Russell Terrier, Jack, got loose while chasing a rabbit.  Janice searched constantly. She loved her little Jack immensely. 

      During Janice's search, she meets Randall, a veterinarian, who had found Jack and was taking care of him along with 5 other dogs. The question is, does she get Jack back and how? 

      Meanwhile, Randall, starts looking for Jack's owner. He started to get emotionally attached so it started getting harder to look. 

     Janice worked for a rental car company outside Lexington,  KY. In her line of work, she would deliver clients to their destination or drop off a rental car for them.

     Christmas was upon her and still no sign of Jack. Janice and Randall met when she dropped off one of his brothers from the airport. It was then that her Christmas weekend became interesting. She was on a break from her car rental job for the weekend.

       I would tell more but I want you to read it for yourself and see what happens. It's a very heartwarming Christian romance story.  I read this  last year and loved it and then re-read it recently. I can really relate to it now because my beloved cat, Smokey,  has been missing for 2 Ā½ weeks. He's a tomcat so I'm praying he's just out looking for a girlfriend. 

     Samantha Fury is the author, who lost her furry Jack Russell terrier. She dedicated Missing Jack to her Jack, of course. I think Samantha did a super job. She writes in such a way that each of her characters seem real.She has written many other Christian romance books such as Street Justice Series and California Love Trilogy. Her website is  I sincerely hope you read this captivating story. I would love for you to share here on Comments, what you think about it too. 


Too Cold To Do Anything, BUT that's Ok!!

          Hello!!!!      I am so with GRATITUDE for living in the South!! I couldn't take these brutal cold temps like the Northerners d...