Thursday, November 9, 2023

I'm So Thankful!!



  God is so great!!!! I have so much that I thank God for everyday, and not just on Thanksgiving Day. The most important thing I'm thankful for is my salvation, through Jesus!! If I started naming off everything here, I'd be here a long time. Ha!  But I will name a Bible and relationship with Jesus,  my family, friends,  church family, and my health. God is helping me reach my weight loss goal so I can be even healthier.  I'm feeling great!! Yes, I've had some emotional bumps in the road lately, but God got us though it and still guiding.  I'm starting to make me a Gratitude Journal so I can be artsy and thankful even more. I love each of you, my readers, and hope that you are thankful as well. 


Brittany said...

Amen 🙌💕

Vickie C. Berryhill said...

Yes indeed, AMEN!!

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